List of All Science Courses Offered in Nigerian Universities

Are you considering going for one of the Science Courses Offered in Nigerian Universities? It is no longer news that amongst the three popular departments in the secondary school, being, science, arts, and commercial, science stands out. This is because of the sheer number of job opportunities that come with the sciences compared to the others. So, therefore, considering a science course is a step in the right direction.

You might also want to throw in the fact the sciences are involved in almost every work of life, at every turn, you see the handiwork of science. It is quite interesting that even in the face of the technical and analytical skills required in the sciences, many students nonetheless still plunge themselves right in it with the utmost desire to survive.

This could explain in a way why there is such a long list of All Science Courses Offered in Nigerian Universities that a secondary school student can select from. It seems as though in the university there is enough to go around as long you are ready to put in the hard work.

Science Courses Offered in Nigerian Universities
List of All Science Courses Offered in Nigerian Universities

List of All Science Courses Offered in Nigerian Universities

Below are the Science Courses Offered in Nigerian Universities:

Agricultural Extension
Animal Science
Animal Breeding and Genetics
Animal Nutrition
Animal Nutrition and Biotechnology
Animal Physiology
Animal Production
Animal Production and Fisheries
Animal Production and Health
Animal Production and Health Service
Animal Science
Animal Science and Fisheries
Animal Science and Fisheries Management
Animal Science and Range Management
Animal Science and Technology
Animal and Environmental Biology
Animal Biology and Environment
Anthropology (Biological)
Applied Microbiology
Applied Biochemistry
Applied Biology
Applied Biology and Biochemistry
Applied Biology and Biotechnology
Applied Botany
Applied Chemistry
Applied Ecology
Applied Geology
Applied Geophysics
Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization
Biological Science(s)
Botany and Ecological Studies
Botany and Microbiology
Building Technology
Cell Biology and Genetics
Chemical Sciences
Chemical and Industrial Chemistry
Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
Cognitive Science
Communication and Wireless Technology
Communications Technology
Computational Analysis
Computer and Economics
Computer and Mathematics
Computer Information and Communication Science
Computer Science with Islamic Religion
Computer Science
Computer Science and Accounting
Computer Science and Informatics
Computer Science and Information Science
Computer Science and Mathematics
Computer Science with Economics
Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Computer with Electronics
Computer with Statistics
Conservation Biology
Crop Science
Cyber Security Science Graduates
Earth Science
Ecology and Environmental Studies
Electronics and Computer Technology
Energy and Petroleum Studies
Energy Studies
Engineering Physics
Environmental Biology
Environmental Biology and Fisheries
Environmental Management
Environmental Management and Toxicology
Environmental Science
Environmental Science and Technology
Exercise and Sport Science
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Fisheries and Aquatic Biology
Food Science and Technology
Fisheries and Aquatic Environment Management
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management
Fisheries and Wildlife Management
Fisheries Management
Fisheries Technology
Forensic Science
Genetics and Bio-Technology
Geography and Environmental Management
Geography and Geosciences
Geography and Planning
Geological Sciences
Geology and Earth Sciences
Geology and Exploration Geophysics
Geology and Geo-Physics
Geology and Mineral Science
Geology and Mineral Sciences
Geology and mining
Geology and Petroleum Studies
Geology/Regional Planning
Hardware and Networking
Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
Human Biology
Industrial and Environmental Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry
Industrial Mathematics
Industrial Mathematics and Applied Statistics
Industrial Mathematics and Computer
Industrial Microbiology
Industrial Physics
Industrial Physics and Applied Geophysics
Industrial Physics/Electronics/IT Application
Industrial Physics and Renewable Energy
Information and Communication Science
Information and Communication Technology
Information Science
Information Science and Media Studies
Information Technology
Laboratory Technology
Library and Information Science
Livestock Production Technology Medical Laboratory
Management Information System
Management Software Development
Marine Biology
Marine Biology and Fishery
Marine Environmental Science
Marine Science and Technology
Mathematical Sciences
Mathematics and Economics
Mathematics and Geography
Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics with Computer Science
Mathematics with Management Sciences
Mathematics with Physics
Mathematics with Statistics
Mathematics and Computer Science
Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics/Statistics/Computer Science
Medical Laboratory Science
Medical Laboratory Technology
Microbiology and Biotechnology
Microbiology and Industrial Biotechnology
Molecular Biology
Natural and Environmental Science
Natural and Environmental Studies
Natural Ecosystem Science and Management
Operations Research
Organizational and Industrial Psychology
Parasitology and Entomology
Petroleum Chemistry
Physical Sciences
Physics and Applied Physics
Physics and Computer Electronics
Physics Electronics
Physics Engineering
Physics Science
Physics with Electronics
Physics and Astrology
Physics and Computational Modelling
Physics and Computer Science
Physics and Industrial Physics
Physics and Material Science
Physics and Solar Energy
Plant Biology
Plant Breeding and Seed Science
Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
Plant Physiology and Crop Production
Plant Science
Plant Science and Biotechnology
Plant Science and Crop Production
Plant Science and Forestry
Plant Science and Microbiology
Project Management
Pure and Industrial Chemistry
Pure Physics
Pure and Applied Biology
Pure and Applied Chemistry
Pure and Applied Mathematics
Pure and Applied Physics
Pure/Industrial Physics
Science Laboratory Technology
Software Development
Soil Science
Soil Science and Environmental Management
Soil Science and Land Agro-Climatology
Soil Science and Land Management
Soil Science Management
Sport Science
Statistics and Biometrics
Statistics and Computer Science
Statistics and Demography
Surveying and Geo-Informatics
Telecommunication and Wireless Technology
Telecommunication Management
Telecommunication Science
Textile Science and Technology
Transport Management
Veterinary Science
Water Resources and Agro-meteorology
Water Resources Management
Wildlife Eco-Tourism
Wildlife Management
Wood Science
Zoology and Animal Systematics
Zoology and Aquaculture
Zoology and Environmental Biology.

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It is also pertinent at this juncture to say that upon admission to any of the Science Courses Offered in Nigerian Universities as listed above, the student must have at least five Ordinary level credits in not more than two attempts with English Language, Mathematics, and Chemistry a must. The remaining two could be from Biology, Physics, Geography, or Agricultural science.

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