How to Pass Exams With Flying Colours (13 Practical Guide)

Are you looking for practical guides on how to pass exams with flying colors? Success in examinations doesn’t just happen. Beneath the joy and celebration students erupt into after passing an exam, there were painful and consistent measures of hard work in the secret.

However, it many times isn’t that simple. I am sure you have heard students whine about how they put in so much work right before exam dates and still had very little or nothing to show for their diligence.

Therefore, it is worthy of note, that there aren’t exactly hard and fast rules to success, the ones that would be offered are simply practical guidelines on how to pass exams with ease. And, also there could also be the slightest chance that certain principles considered unnecessary were ignored.

How to Pass Exams With Flying Colors (13 Practical Guide)

How to Pass Exams
How to Pass Exams With Flying Colors

1. Understanding of What is Being Read

This is very the first step on how to pass exams and yet underestimated. Trying to cram a lot at midnight hour so that you can pour on the D-Day can prove very unfruitful. Learning is a rather slow yet steady effort at understanding any body of knowledge. Avoid the Six Bad Reading Habits while preparing for exams.

This is why students actually struggle with many questions and give the usual excuse that they weren’t taught. Every means must be exploited to understand be it copying notes or even attending classes to ensure understanding is gained.

2. Attend Classes

You are likely not expecting to have this on the list of guides on how to pass exams right? we understand that there are certainly some courses in which attending their classes can really turn out to be waste of time, yet, you would agree with me that the same can’t be said for every other class.

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Being present at classes and attending lectures can make reading a lot easier especially when the teacher taught well and broke the subject area into understandable bits. Students need to disabuse their minds from the fact that classes generally are time wasters.

3. Understand The Course and Exam Structure

Every course as the case is has its peculiarities. You would be doing yourself as a student a world of good when you spend time grasping the course outlines and what the learning objectives are. This puts you in a great place in knowing what to expect come exam day.

4. Corporate Studying

Whether we agree with it or not, our minds are wired to think in a specific kind of way. Many times, our peculiar thinking isn’t enough, we then need the thinking of others to have a broader perspective of a particular topic.

Asides from that, time is saved when we interact with other bright minds. Bear in mind, that you must have understood yourself to know who and who you could pair up with to have a great group study. Advisably, the number should be kept as high as four persons.

5. Focus on Your Weak Subject Areas

You don’t want to pass a particular course and then fail another one, it would generally be regarded as a failure. This isn’t saying you should totally abandon the course you are flourishing at, but, simply that more effort should be channeled to your weaker areas. Let these weaker areas be tops on your priority list. Allot more hours to them compared to the areas you do better at.

6. Study Past Questions

Seeking out past question papers with intervals of at least seven years can be very helpful. This way you point out repeated questions that are most likely to come out and also be wary of questions that haven’t been asked in a while.

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7. Don’t Keep to Yourself

Many students hide under the shadow that they are introverts or in extreme cases, that they don’t want to be insulted or taken advantage of. Whilst they are valid reasons in certain situations, many at times, it is just the mentality.

Students don’t exactly like it when their fellow student is teaching them. Unfortunately, they forget that not requesting help puts you in the dangerous place of failing an examination.

8. Self-Confidence

Too many times students have read and on the day of the examination, they are crippled by fear. This shouldn’t be so. You need to take care of the kind of thoughts you allow into your space during exam periods. If it means staying away from certain people who only recount how difficult a particular course is, you should.

9. Participate in Class and After-Home Assessments

It is what you can remember, not necessarily what you read, that you write down in an examination. One major way to heighten remembrance would be to do every assignment and classwork that the teachers deem fit to give even when they aren’t considered in the overall marks.

10. Understand the Marking Scheme

For every examination, there are different exam bodies that organize them. You would want to know the major areas they stress and consider exam-worthy so that you don’t spend so much time reading unnecessary things.

Even when you know what could appear in these exams, you need to understand how marks are appropriated so that you could have maximum scores.

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11. Sleep Well

As much as it’s recommended to Study Late at Night, The many hours of studying can end in futility if you don’t get enough rest before the night of an exam. our brain needs a degree of ease to recall maximally all that was committed to memory. You don’t want to get to the hall and are entirely blank on what to write.

12. Read and Understand Questions First

Don’t be in such haste that you forget to read and understand what each question demands of you. You would be putting yourself in harm’s way if you just rush to offload what you know about a particular area. Some examiners are very principled to such an extent that if they don’t see what they want, they award no marks at all.

13. Pray

steps on how how to pass exams will never be complete with this. This was intentionally placed last to emphasize its importance. Pray as much as you study. There are too many variables you can’t control during examinations.

You can never tell where questions would come from or even in worst-case scenarios how much time you would be given to answer questions. You need God as much as you need a retentive memory.


The Importance of education can never be over-emphasized, however, the time of examinations can be a very scary period in the life of a student. But, the above practical guides on how to pass exams which will assures an organized and meticulous preparation can sure guarantee success in any examination.

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