How To Prepare a Personal Reading Timetable [Easy Steps]

If there is any question students across boards love to ask, it has to be: how to prepare a personal reading timetable. The reason certainly is understandable because no single student would deliberately set out to get poor scores. how to prepare a personal reading timetable is one decision students can take to avert academic failures.

Knowing what area to focus on whilst reading and when is perfect for reading are one of the many reasons it is required that you prepare a personal reading timetable. It is a no-brainer if you ask me. In fact, students deceive themselves to think that their brains would reset to doing what they ought to without intentional effort.

To prepare a personal reading timetable is one way a student can ward off legitimate distractions and maintain a consistent reading culture which seems to have eroded with the changing times.

So, if you are that student who is desirous of hitting the greatest heights academically, this article which outlines how to prepare a reading timetable is an excellent way to start.

How To Prepare a Personal Reading Timetable

Before setting out to prepare a personal reading timetable, there are certain factors that must be considered if the whole idea of a reading timetable would end up successful. 

Perfect Timing

Reading can be much more effective if you can recognize the times of the day your brain is most active. It is true that reading is an intentional and diligent effort, but, who wouldn’t want to have massive profits in such a short time spent on reading?

Knowing the particular periods you easily assimilate is smart work and it would save you from reading so long a time without anything substantial to show for it.

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You should ask yourself if you understand your materials in the wee hours of the morning or the late evenings. When you do, block out that time for reading and starve out every possible distraction.

Write out What you would be doing

Once you have scaled the first hurdle in how to prepare a personal reading timetable in know which time works for you, you should clearly map out what you intend to achieve in those active hours. This would mean planning ahead and knowing what events could intrude in those sacred hours you intend to spend reading.

For example, if you do your general clean-up every Saturday, you might want to either do your reading for the day before the cleanup time or take a rest after the cleanup, then proceed to read. You should take stock of what activities are regulars in your day, and ensure to prepare a personal reading timetable that doesn’t clash with those times you engage in those activities.

Set a goal of how long you intend you spend reading

It isn’t enough to map out reading times in the day, you must indicate how long you would spend reading. Every student has a different attention span, but, ironically has the same load of material to cover. This is where knowing what kind of student you become helpful when you are preparing a good personal reading timetable. 

Are you the kind of student that can be glued to your material for as little as 30 minutes or even as much as 2 hours? Whichever the case, work around your reading span and try to achieve much within that time. Bear in mind, however, that certain courses demand longer hours of reading and some others don’t. It would therefore be foolhardy to block out only 30 minutes for very bulky material. 

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If there is any mistake students make about this time thing when they prepare a personal reading timetable, it has to be trying to imitate someone who reads for longer hours. Inasmuch as you should strive for more, you should remember that as a student, the length of time doesn’t count for much, if you aren’t concentrating within that time.

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Give Room For Breaks

This has to be one underrated factor students take into consideration when students prepare a personal reading timetable and, sadly, it has proven too costly many times. As a student, you are not a robot that would work tirelessly all round the clock.

Breaks allow you to refresh and energize your mind especially if you have gone on a long stretch reading. Knowing when to break also is very important too. No matter how long your attention span is, please take breaks so you don’t fatigue easily. 

Personalize your reading timetable

Let your timetable talk about you. This probably is scarce advice when students embark on a mission to prepare a personal reading timetable, but, it definitely comes in handy.

If this would demand you add some appealing colours or employ calligraphy, whatever it is, that would endear you to read when you look at the reading timetable would certainly do.

Your reading timetable shouldn’t be rigid

Whilst it is good to set targets during your reading time, many times as students our minds can wander and not be in a perfect state. Would you at this point stop read altogether? Certainly, no. 

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You could try out using another means to read. For example, if that particular day, you were to use a textbook to study a topic, and it just seemed as though what you were reading was just bouncing off the roof, you might want to consider watching a video that could engage you.

Some other times, it might just be the course that isn’t favorable to you that day, you could as well, switch to another course just to ensure you don’t fritter that time away doing next to nothing.

Flexibility also means if a particular way isn’t working, try another way. If the arrangement of courses on a particular day repeatedly keeps giving you issues adapting to, tweak things. Keep trying out new things till you arrive at what works for you.


In studying for an examination or even for knowledge’s sake, there would always be exceptions to the rule, but, you must remember, that exceptions shouldn’t govern you.

As much as you would have stuck it out through every activity you placed when you began to prepare a personal reading timetable, you also should know that in an event when you tried all to read, and couldn’t make it happen, you should kill yourself, just go again. Academic successes are dividends of continued efforts.

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